Member Conduct Code

Fusion Fortress | Community rules

Lets create an welcoming space, for all members of the Fusion Fortress community to socialize and enjoy games, with friends but we'll need your assistance to achieve this goal.

These guidelines, for the Fusion Fortress community are important, for everyone using their games and services to understand how to engage with members of the community.The following examples illustrate some scenarios. Do not encompass all possible situations where these rules may apply.

Adhering to the guidelines is straightforward; however if they are violated we will enforce consequences that may extend to a prohibition.

Community Rules:
  • Please refrain from sharing data of users except, for their display name; it is recommended to keep your personal information confidential for security reasons.
  • "Fusion Fortress is committed to promoting a culture of inclusivity and respect standing against any acts of hatred or prejudice."
  • Kindly be considerate of users, during conversations and gameplay to avoid any form of harassment or offensive behavior.
  • Please do not impersonate others such, as players or streamers, at Fusion Fortress or any celebrities.
  • Playing with fairness and integrity is key. Follow the rules and avoid cheating or teaming up unfairly to gain an advantage by exploiting any loopholes or glitches in the game.
  • Avoid participating in activities that're dangerous or, against the law.
  • In the Fusion Fortress ecosystem​ it is important that all content​, communication​ and activities aim to foster experiences, for users.
  • Each breach of rules is evaluated individually for its consequences.
  • If you come across a player who is not following the Community Rules or Content Requirements, in the game world
  • Safety: Protect your personal information.

  • This is not the final version of the Fusion Fortress Community Rules. Keep an eye on changes. After all, we gathered together to have fun playing games!